
How To Develop Persistence by Napoleon Hill

‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill is unarguably one of the greatest personal development books ever written. Highly endorsed by the world’s top leaders such as Bob Proctor and Tony Robbins, if you haven’t read it you’re already behind.

I first read ‘Think and Grow Rich’ about 4 years ago and since then have read it at least once a year and I have the audio book on repeat in my car.

One of my favorite chapters is on Persistence (Chapter 9) and I have identified the key takeaways for you to enjoy. If you haven’t read ‘Think and Grow Rich‘ yet, this should give you a good taste as to what it’s like and if you have, a reminder never hurts!

How to Develop Persistence:

4 Steps that lead to habit of persistence:

  1. A definite purpose backed by a burning desire for its fulfillment.
  2. A definite plan, expressed in continuous action.
  3. A mind closed tightly against all negative and discouraging influences, including negative suggestions of relatives, friends and acquaintances.
  4. A friendly alliance with one or more person who will encourage you to follow through with both plan and purpose.

Definite Causes of Persistence:

1. DEFINITENESS OF PURPOSE. Know what you want is the first and, perhaps, the most important step toward the development of persistence. A strong motive forces you to surmount many difficulties.

2. DESIRE. It is comparatively easy to acquire and maintain persistence in pursuing the object of intense desire.

3. SELF-RELIANCE. Believe in your ability to carry out a plan encourages you to follow the plan through with persistence.

4. DEFINITENESS OF PLANS. Organized plans, even though they may be weak and entirely impractical, encourage persistence.

5. ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE. Knowing that your plans are sound, based upon experience or observation, encourages persistence; “guessing” instead of “knowing” destroys persistence.

6. COOPERATION. Sympathy, understanding and harmonious cooperation with others tend to develop persistence.

7. WILLPOWER. The habit of concentrating your thoughts upon the building of plans for the attainment of a definite purpose leads to persistence.

8. HABIT. Persistence is the direct result of habit. The mind absorbs and becomes part of the daily experiences upon which it feeds. Fear, the worst of all enemies, can be effectively cured by forced repetition of acts of courage. Everyone who has seen active service in war knows this.


Source: addicted2success.com

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