
Huawei Partners Fortis In Launching Skill Acquisition Centre In Lagos

Due to the current recession in the country, Entrepreneurship has become a vital playing ground for the growth of the economy. Entrepreneurship has proven its importance especially in these hard times when the unemployment level in the country increases month on month according to the office of statistics.

This reality has dawned on the young adults and they have somehow come to realize that the usual job search might be a dead-end. Instead, starting their own businesses will be the needed panacea and an imperative for financial freedom. For this reason, small businesses have sprung up via many channels in recent times.

ICT & Small Business

The benefits of entrepreneurship can no longer be overlooked, whether in a kiosk or in an office. Studies have shown that one of the major drivers of successful entrepreneurship is ICT. The proper deployment of ICT tools even on a small-scale plays a major role in the smooth running of any business.

Thus, in an effort to promote entrepreneurship in the country, Chinese tech giants, Huawei has come to the rescue in providing ICT solutions. They aim to boost the economy through small business entrepreneurship. In a recent development, Huawei has gone into partnership with Fortis Group limited. Together, they have launched a skill acquisition center in Eti-Osa local government of Lagos.

When completed, the center will provide a haven for the acquisition of business skills. These skills will help boost better business for entrepreneurs in Ajah first, and ultimately in the state.

The center appeals on 2 levels. Firstly, it addresses the dearth of ICT use in Lagos, and 2, it directly impacts entrepreneurship. Interestingly,  the two areas Governor Ambode is concentrating on in his bid to transform Lagos State are ICT and entrepreneurship.

Follow Up

We will return to the center after it becomes fully operational. Then we will see the impact it is making on the immediate community.

For now however, the initiative must be lauded for the foresight, and the potential it holds for Eti-Osa. It certainly bodes well for Lagos as a whole.

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