First off, you might wonder who in God’s name is Rahama Sadau. Well that was precisely the question which came to mind when I noticed the name was trending.

Well Rahama Sadau is a popular “Kannywood” actress. Wetin be Kannywood? It’s another fraction of Nollywood that is mainly based in the North – Hausa Movie Industry. Although I no even know why them go dey get another WOOD inside Nollywood. I guess its for outrageous reasons like this.
Rahama Sadau the actress was recently expelled from Kannywood after a Jos based music star known as ClassiQ featured her in his musical video which was released on the 26th of September 2016.
Watch the music video below,
So after this music video which was directed by Bash’em. The “Holier than thou” Islamic fans of this beautiful actress deemed it fit to criticize her for her role in the video. One of them saying,
“Rahama has crossed the boundary line this time around. The video is all revealing and this is not proper for a Muslim girl to go this extreme in an open video, she needs to be cautioned to save the name of her family.
“This is not America or Lagos. She should do everything she wanted to do but not to participate in such a video. I know her family will not be happy with her.”
In the aftermath, Rahama Sadau was expelled (not suspended o) in a statement signed by Salisu Mohammed, the Secretary of the association of Kannywood.

Personally, I find this ridiculous. So, just because an actress was featured in a music video which was not in any way “revealing” like they say, she won’t get the chance to keep entertaining people.
I watched this so-called revealing video and discovered there was actually nothing wrong with it. No smooching, no touching (except for holding hands), no half-naked clothing, nothing.
Just a simple video (rather boring, if I must say) where it shows the artiste Classiq singing to her.
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My question is was she meant to wear Hijab with a covered face in the video and stand still like a statue? Or maybe she was not meant to wear trousers? I mean this is ridiculous. Plus, I heard this is not the first time this kind of harsh judgement has been passed. In 2012, one Actress Nafisa Abdullahi was sanctioned by the same Kannywood movie regulators for holding a party in Kaduna (Can you imagine?).
Personally, I feel some of these religious leaders and ‘over-zee’ types should cut their believers some slack, especially the women believers.
Na wetin sef.